

I don't have many of these yet.  Here's a few I happen to have lying around on my hard disk:
Me in my nice, shiny new car.  A '98 VW Cabrio.
Mr Zoomy II, aka "Mr Roomy"

A dreadful picture of me at work in my cube.  I was taken by surprise, honest.  I really will have to get something better (or at least have this re-touched).

Things to note: the mess, the PalmPilot, Kristen Hirsh poster, New Zealand scenes calendar, unknown CD, hand poised over mouse, fractal t-shirt, tooth gap, largely unused filing cabinet, "Of course you can trust me with your mouse" cat mousepad.

Me at work Kristen Hirsh poster New Zealand scenes calendar unknown CD watch PalmPilot PC cat mousepad

Me with friends Debs and Lucy.  I'm the one in the front.  Not wearing a jacket.   This was taken after we'd biked through San Franciso's Golden Gate Park from Debs and Geoffrey's place to this beach (Ocean Beach).  Lucy's Nick took the pic.
Me, Debs & Lucy