Europe 2007 - Page 3 of 3
Amsterdam and London
On the train from Paris to Amsterdam.
Our hotel in Amsterdam.
Panoramic view of our hotel room.
Our first cat spotting in Amsterdam.
"That will be 1 Euro please".
So many bikes!
Mark hanging out in the Old Center of Amsterdam.
Skulls on building facade in the Old Center area of Amsterdam.
Advertisement for Dutch artwork.
On the relaxing canal boat ride.
Cat sign at bottom of flag pole.
3 levels of bikes parked at Amsterdam's Centraal train station.
Old warehouse converted to housing.
Cat in a hair salon.
"Catatonic" cat sculpture.
"Catch" and "Catamaran" cat sculptures.
Nice ivy on electrical line between buildings.
Beautiful canals.
"That will be 2 Euros".
White cat sculpture on building plus 2 live cats in the windows.
Something about keeping "Tomcats" is inhuman?
A cat facade on a building across the street from our hotel.
Cat "shrine" at the Orient restaurant where we ate a delicious Indonesian ricetable.
The cat at the Orient restaurant that joined us for dinner.
"That will be 3 Euros please".
The Kathe.
Back to London and the V&A the day before we fly back.
An old cat stamp scrapbook on display at the V&A.
Our last afternoon tea at Harrod's.
Our hotel room at the Hilton Heathrow.
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