It's a fragment of music.
As well as I can remember it, this is a little "tune" I came up with one day in
High School. Ugly isn't it? Horribly mathematical and artless. I think I was aiming
for some kind of "balance" or symmetry -- the notes return to where they started.
Maybe it's based on a sine curve or something.
I distinctly remember one day being in the school hall and tapping it out on the piano there.
A fellow student said, "Oh Mark, did you write that?"
The connection between Mark and his Scientific Tune was obvious to her...
In fact, I think the original may've been a little more melodious than this reproduction
(which I think probably needs to carry some kind of health warning -- don't try even humming it).
Sadly, I have no musical talent at all, I think I'm probably tone deaf or something.
For me, singing is a matter of trying to hit the right number of notes.
Terry, the friend and co-worker who produced the image above using some software and a hand-written
"score" (ha!) from me, has produced some realmusic which he claims is in some way
inspired by my dirge.