#ifndef pins_h
#define pins_h

// Pin assignments
// DS1307 - RTC (wire library)
#define PIN_RTC_SDA	A4
#define PIN_RTC_SCL	A5

// 74HC595 - LED driver
#define PIN_LEDS_DS	8
#define PIN_LEDS_ST	9
#define PIN_LEDS_SH	10

// 74HC165 - Switch driver
#define PIN_BTN_Q7	A0
#define PIN_BTN_CP	13
#define PIN_BTN_PL	12

// LEDS - direct connection
#define PIN_LED_INP	A1
#define PIN_LED_ADDR	A2
#define	PIN_LED_MEM	A3
#define PIN_LED_RUN_PWM	11

This is a *SCHEMATIC*
Pins not listed are unused/floating.
Component list: 
  ATMega328, RTC module (DS1307), 74HC595, 74HC165 (x2), 
  LED (x12), Push-button normally open (x15), 
  Resistor 220 Ohm (x12), Resistor 10k Ohm (x15),
  16MHz crystal.
                 "KENBAK-uino" - Mark Wilson, 2011
                 |    328    | 
  <USB>--[+5V]---+Vcc   PWM11+-------<LED11 "RUN">
  <USB>--[+5V]---+AVcc     A3+-------<LED10 "MEM">
  <USB>--[GND]---+Gnd(22)  A2+-------<LED9  "ADDR">
  <USB>--[GND]---+Gnd(8)   A1+-------<LED8  "INP">
  <USB>---[TX]---+TX         | 
  <USB>---[RX]---+RX         |        +-----------+
                 |           |        |    595    |
      [XTAL1]----+XT1      10+--------+SH(11)   Q0+----<LED0 "Bit0">
      [XTAL2]----+XT2       9+--------+ST(12)   Q1+----<LED1 "Bit1">
                 |          8+--------+DS(14)   Q2+----<LED2 "Bit2">
                 |           |  [+5V]-+Vcc(16)  Q3+----<LED3 "Bit3">
                 |           |  [GND]-+Gnd(8)   Q4+----<LED4 "Bit4">
                 |           |  [+5V]-+MR(10)   Q5+----<LED5 "Bit5">
                 |           |  [GND]-+OE(13)   Q6+----<LED6 "Bit6">
                 |           |        |         Q7+----<LED7 "Bit7">
(corrected 12/18)  |           |        +-----------+
+------+         |           |
| RTC  |         |           |             +-----------+
|   SDA+---------+A4         |             |   165-1   |    **Note the order!**
|   SCL+---------+A5       A0+-------------+Q7(9)    D0+----<SW0 "Bit0">
|   Vcc+-[+5V]   |         13+-----+-------+CP(2)    D1+----<SW1 "Bit1">
|   Gnd+-[GND]   |         12+--+  |       |         D2+----<SW2 "Bit6">
+------+         +-----------+  +--|-------+PL(1)    D3+----<SW3 "Bit7">
                                |  | [GND]-+Gnd(8)   D4+----<SW4 "Bit4">
                                |  | [GND]-+CE(15)   D5+----<SW5 "Bit5">
                                |  | [+5V]-+Vcc(16)  D6+----<SW6 "Bit2">
                                |  |    +--+DS(10)   D7+----<SW7 "Bit3">
                                |  |    |  +-----------+
                                |  |    |  
                                |  |    |  
                                |  |    |  +-----------+
                                |  |    |  |   165-2   |    **Note the order!** (corrected May 2014)
                                |  |    +--+Q7(9)    D0+----<SW8  "STOP">
                                |  +-------+CP(2)    D1+----<SW9  "STRT">
                                |          |         D2+----[GND] (SW15 is unused)
                                +----------+PL(1)    D3+----<SW10 "CLR">
                                     [GND]-+Gnd(8)   D4+----<SW11 "DISP">
                                     [GND]-+CE(15)   D5+----<SW12 "SET">
                                     [+5V]-+Vcc(16)  D6+----<SW13 "READ">
                                           |         D7+----<SW14 "STOR">

                   _  (Push-button, Normally Open)
                  + +
--<SWx> is   --+--+ +----[+5V]

--<LEDx> is  --[220R]--[LED]--[GND]

**Note the order!**
This reflects the order I wired my switches to '165 pins.  
You are free to change this to match the physical arrangement of the buttons, 
BUT you will need to also change Buttons::m_pMap[] to match.
